How would I describe this movie? I would describe it as a hot mess. The movie stars the always-young Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, Diaz plays June Havens, an “attractive” woman who just happens to be traveling with Roy Miller, this apparently charming fella that happens to have a secret identity, then, let the madness begin.
The movie has a couple of things going for it, performances being the most important one – Tom Cruise is just charming and alive, pretty much the same as his off-screen persona; Cameron Diaz has…let’s call it an average performance, but I would not praise it, because I saw My Sister’s Keeper, and I know that Cameron Diaz can act, so… this is nowhere near a good performance. Peter Sarsgaard is apparently the antagonist, once again, but I like him better here (than in the Green Lantern). There’s chemistry between the leads, but that would be saying that there’s water in a rainy day – for such big movie stars, manufacturing chemistry should come naturally, so, this is a good thing about the movie, but it is just a thing that this movie should have.
The movie’s editing style definitely killed the movie – it shifts from point A to point B by inducing a unconscious state on Diaz’s character, without explaining how the shift was made, and for us, the audience, it would look like that the writers were way too lazy to develop a sophisticated explanation for occurrences, so they just made Cameron Diaz black out and audiences just feel disconnected from the film. Also, the plot of this movie focuses too much on transiting between different locations, that the plot and the writing became less effective. The writers and the film makers should have made the movie to focus on one or two locations, instead of what is in the film, which was again, confusing.
The movie was a good summer blockbuster, because it has beautiful sights, beautiful people, and a lot (a lot) of explosions, but as a movie, or seeing this movie as a whole, it lacks cohesion. I would give this movie 3 out of 5, considering that it is a summer block buster. As I said, hot mess, it’s messy, but it’s still worth seeing.